
Friday, February 19, 2010

Festival Far from Family

Happy Shivaratri to all friends and family. The Kashmiri Pandit Diaspora continues to observe Herath with pomp and piety, Vatukh was set up and worshipped in many a families.
Memories of how it was done back home, in Kashmir still linger with all of us. The new generation is going to learn not only about the significance of the fesitival but the reverence and love of a Pandit for Shiva and Parvati. With strength from Shiva, Kashmiri Pandits bear the brunt of the wrath of a lost people, the muslims of Pakistan and Kashmir, a people who are confused with their identity of faith and nationality.
Hertath will always bring benediction on the ardent worshippers of Shiva.
Om Namah Shiva!!

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